

Jp Aviation is an Aircraft Maintenance Management Consultant business, founded in 1989 by Canadian retired Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Jean-Paul (JP) McGraw.  J.P. has been involved in the aircraft maintenance industry sense 1969.  Within that time period he has performed many diversified duties in the aircraft maintenance industry, with many organizations in all parts of the globe.  By having both the Canadian and American: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licenses, his work has taken him to Africa, Europe, the Mid East and all parts of North America.

In 1988 on his return to Canada after a 3 1/2 year contract in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.  The family decided to stay in the Windsor, Ontario, Canada and started working in the automotive field.  At that time there were a hand full of aircraft maintenance consultant available and none were able to provided planning and development service to small Corporate and Private Owners at an affordable cost.  Started Jp Aviation, an Aircraft Maintenance Management Consultant business, to provide service in this niche.